North Frodingham, Driffield, North Humberside YO25 8LA

01262 488227

North Frodingham Primary School

Caring, Sharing, Together Learning

Class 1 

Topic: Down at the bottom of the garden


Meet our team...

Mrs Wilson

Class Teacher

Miss Mathison

Teaching Assistant


In February, we have been as busy as ever! We have been exploring numbers to 40 and some tricky word problems in maths; we have had to use our perseverance to keep having a go at them! We wrote some fantastic character descriptions of Thumbelina and our own version of Jack and the beanstalk. We finished february by thinking about courage. We wrote some lovely letters to our Beeford pen pals, talking about a time when we have shown courage. We loved reading the responses we got, too! We were very excited to celebrate 100 days of school. We had a lovely party in the classroom with snacks and crafts, check out our 100 day glasses! 


Happy New Year! We have packed lots of exciting things into the month of January! In RE, we have considered our special places at home and in school. Some of our favourites at school have been the reading garden, the bars, the monkey bars, the piano and outside in the garden and with the trees. In English we have been busy writing instructions and for Chinese New Year we followed our instructions which we had written to make a delicious stir fry. We enjoying learning lots about birds in outdoor learning and we tried to identify which species of birds we have at school. In maths we have been busy exploring measurement and shape and we have also had a fantastic time learning to play the ukuleles . 


We have had such a lot of fun in December! The Year 2's have completed scooter training on a very chilly morning. In DT we built Elf Buggies and raced them which we all loved. In RE we made Christingles and in our English experience day we acted out the Nativity Story. Our Christmas Dinner and Party day was full of games, dancing and excitement! Also, we have had an Elf visitor, Buddy, in our classroom who has been watching over us making sure we have all been good whilst leaving us little surprises every day. We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



We started November with Odd Socks Day and from then onwards the month has been jam packed with so many different things! Miss Dixon was very impressed when we made autumn journey sticks in geography. We have been lucky enough to have had a bank workshop and an anti-bullying workshop too in school. In RE we have learnt all about advent and made advent wreaths and we have had an afternoon of outdoor learning with Mrs Butterworth. We now have our decorations up and are all very excited for December and Christmas!


In October we have continued to learn about The Great Fire of London. We had a fantastic history day with Catherine where we had to identify and draw lots of different artifacts, we practiced writing with quills and ink and played games they would have played at the time too! 


Welcome back! In Class 1 we have had a very busy September! We have made some delicious sandwiches fit for 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch' and acted out the story with puppets. Also we have been exploring different line and mark making techniques as well as acting out ways in which The Great Fire of London would have been put out and creating movements to the Christian creation story. What a fantastic start to the year! We can't wait for lots more exciting things to come!