North Frodingham, Driffield, North Humberside YO25 8LA

01262 488227

North Frodingham Primary School

Caring, Sharing, Together Learning

Gallery 2024-2025

Daphne the Lamb

100 Days of School!


Class 2 Pedestrian Training

Christmas Parties and Dinner

Robin Hood Pantomime

Christmas Play

Decorating Our Christmas Tree

HSBC Banking Workshop

Children in Need


Class 3 Eden Camp trip

Pumpkin carving competition

F2 Trip to Sideoven Bakery

Class 2 Egyptian history day

Mambo Jambo workshop

Reading Buddies

Harvest Festival

Class 1 Great Fire of London workshop

Girls Football 02.10.24

Football 25.09.24

Fairtrade Fortnight

Cross Country 16.09.24