North Frodingham, Driffield, North Humberside YO25 8LA

01262 488227

North Frodingham Primary School

Caring, Sharing, Together Learning

Foundation Stage Unit

Topic: Amazing Animals


Meet our team...

Mrs Crooks

Class Teacher 

Miss Brown

Nursery Nurse


What a busy January we have had! We have been getting stuck in to our new topic 'amazing animals', learning about various arctic, jungle and woodland animals and doing lots of writing to support this. Our roleplay corner has transformed into a veterinary surgery, and we have really enjoyed nursing some animals back to health. As well as our topic, we celebrated Chinese New Year. We loved making and tasting some special fried rice, practising Chinese writing and making lanterns and red envelopes. As always, we have continued with our daily maths and phonics sessions. Our 'number 5' fruit kebabs were delicious! In PE, we have practised our balancing and co-ordination and have shown some super listening skills. 


December was such an exciting month in the FSU! We started by decorating our classroom ready for the Christmas period, our Christmas grotto looked super festive and prompted some fantastic imaginative play, hosting Christmas parties and writing letters to Father Christmas. December also marked the end of our dance sessions with Miss Hannah, we have really looked forward to our Friday dance sessions each week, but are looking forward to some more new skills in PE sessions in the new year. In our outdoor learning session we looked around for cobwebs, and took notice of the different shapes. We worked together to create our own giant cobweb on the ground using natural materials. Then, we made some Christmas wreaths with the help of a grown-up, we had to really concentrate to make sure that we have weaved the string around the wreath carefully.  Alongside our Christmas parties, Christmas dinners and other festive fun, we have continued with our phonics and maths sessions. Our writing has really improved, we are so proud of it! For an especially exciting maths lesson, we decorated some biscuits with various yummy treats, experimenting with different ways of showing 4. Elvis the cheeky classroom elf has been keeping us busy, he caused some chaos in our classroom on the run up to Christmas but it was funny to watch his antics. We will miss him! But we hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and we are looking forward to the fantastic year that 2025 will be. 


During November, we have been as busy as ever! We have continued with our pen disco sessions to develop our pencil control, as well as doing some extra spelling in our busy bee books. To match our topic of festivals and special days, we have turned our home corner into a birthday party house! We have enjoyed writing invitations, birthday lists and counting candles on cakes, as well as baking some 'sweet treats' using playdough. We have been spotting signs of the weather changing outside, and were even lucky enough to encounter some snow! We loved using the snow and ice in our mud kitchen. We have also been enjoying our dance sessions with Hannah and continued developing our ball skills with Tigers Trust. Our RE lessons have reminded us about respecting others, being helpful and remembering that everyone is important. As well as all of this, we took part in Children in Need and Odd Socks day, and had a fantastic banking workshop which taught us all about how to save our money. We are looking forward to learning about Christmas and getting in the festive spirit throughout December! 

Sideoven Bakery Trip

The F2s had a fantastic trip to Sideoven Bakery! Firstly, we met the horses and they were very gentle, we really enjoyed giving them a stroke. We then learnt about how flour was milled a long time ago, then used some flour to make our very own bread which we each got to take home - it was very yummy! In the orchard we picked lots of apples from the trees, some had already fallen so we had a look at them and guessed which animals might have been having a nibble on them. We then took the apples back to the barn and used them to make apple juice - we had to work very hard as a team to break the apples up and squash them in the press to make the juice. During the walk around the farm we learnt some facts about sheep, what might live in a hedgerow and picked some pinecones, leaves and sticks for the minibeast house. We then each had a turn at sitting in a tractor! It was a super day!


October was a busy month in the FSU, filled with Halloween and Harvest themed activities and provision. We have spent lots of time outside, including an outdoor learning session where we fed the school's chickens, observed the changes in nature now that we are in Autumn and searched for seeds in our garden. After this, we gave our FSU outdoor area a good tidy up! During October, we also hired a dental box which allowed us to roleplay as dentists and patients; we discussed the importance of oral health and have become tooth brushing experts! We took part in some lovely Diwali activities with class 1, after listening to the Diwali story. Miss Dixon came to our class for an Art lesson all about Guiseppe Archimboldo, and we made our own vegetable faces which we all found very funny! At the end of October, we welcomed some of our parents and carers into the classroom to join us for a phonics stay and play.  We enjoyed showing them our super phonics skills and then giving them an idea of what a morning in our classroom looks like! Alongside all of this, we have continued with our weekly Tigers Trust PE sessions, working on our hand-eye co-ordination and football skills. What a busy month!


Welcome back! Here in the FSU we have had a super busy September. We have really enjoyed catching up with our friends, as well as introducing some new children into our class! We have been working together to come up with our class 'golden rules' and adjust to our classroom routines. Since coming back to school we have had PE sessions with Tigers Trust and dance PE sessions, both of which we are fabulous at - our listening skills are fantastic. To match our books of the week, we have baked, created and linked our writing to the stories, it seems we are experts at all of those things, look at the pictures below! What a positive start to the year! We are excited to see what else is in store for us in FSU.